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Costa Rica Peaberry Coffee


7 reviews

 Costa Rica Peaberry coffee is one of the sought after coffees.  The farm produces coffee that is considered by experts to be among the very best in the world and  is highly prized by connoisseurs for its balance and intensity of flavor of fruit and citrus.

Peaberry beans are small, round coffee while a flat bean has two halves of a coffee. This is a is a natural mutation of the coffee, where only one bean develops inside of the coffee cherry instead of two. The peaberry beans and are richer in flavor, About 5% of total coffee production is made up of peaberry, making this coffee a sought after rare "gift from nature."

  • Medium Roast
  • Sun-drying and 100% Shade-grown
  • malic bright acidity, fruity and floral notes,
  • Tarrazu Region
  • 1 pound, 16 ounces