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Brazil Bourbon Peaberry Coffee


4 reviews
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$25.20 $28.00
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Brazil Bourbon Peaberry comes form the Daterra Estates- the best coffees from their farms.  Coffee from The Daterra farms are fully traceable, single origin, and  Rainforest Alliance. These are coffees that score 86-89.

This is a great coffee anytime of day, especially with desserts. In the name, Bourbon (bur-bone) identifies the specific coffee plant variety these coffee beans come from. Dried by the sun, Brazil Bourbon is a prized and classic Arabica coffee.

Cupping Notes:

  • Pleasantly mild, full bodied and has wonderfully balanced flavor.
  • Low acidity 
  • Chocolaty, berry, sweetness, nutty 
  • Medium Roast
  • 1 pound, 16 ounces